North Shore Wellness Acupuncture
Your Choice For Natural Healing
Heal and Re-Energize
The human body is born with the ability to heal. All it needs is a stimulant. At North Shore Wellness Acupuncture, in Huntington, Hicksville and Northport, New York, we provide a natural way to bring back the balance in your body and boost your health through acupuncture and other alternative methods.
How Acupuncture Works
Acupuncture is a 5,000-year-old Chinese art of medicine. This therapy aims to correct imbalances in the body by stimulating and enhancing the body's own ability to resist or overcome illnesses, pain, and other various conditions.
There is a belief that illnesses are caused by a disruption of the energy or “Qi.” This Qi circulates through 14 meridians or energy-carrying channels in various regions of the body. Along these areas lie hundreds of acupuncture points or acupoints. By targeting these specific locations, acupuncture helps the body heal on its own.
There are other detailed theories explaining the science behind this alternative medicine. One belief is that when an acupoint is stimulated, the nerve cells of that area prompt the central nervous system to release naturally produced painkillers called endorphins and other substances that alter the communication among the nerve cells or neurons. This process inhibits the transmission of pain signals to the brain.
According to another theory, acupuncture channels the stimulation through the fascia, a thin sheet of connective tissue under the skin that encloses all the muscles in the body. Proponents of the theory believe that the meridians in the body serve as a network of points called myofascial chains. A part of the body is connected to another through this network. This explains how acupoints help relieve pain in other regions of the body.
Start Your Journey Toward Wellness
Learn more about the amazing benefits of acupuncture and other alternative methods. Get in touch with us today to discuss how we can help you.